Where have you been?

Hello my friends!

It has been months since you have heard from me. I am truly sorry. I know that this #coronavirus has disrupted a lot of people’s lives and I am no exception.

The month of January was rather busy for me with corporate events and headshots. I took some time off during the slow month of February and was looking forward to March so I could start marketing and catching up with my photography business.

No one would have ever predicted that within the first few days of March COVID-19 would be declared a pandemic sending the stock markets crashing. Or that schools and businesses would close and countries would limit travelers at their boarders. Or that people would be asked to stay home and cities would go into lockdown virtually bringing the world to a halt. No one would have ever guessed.

So where have I been? For a few days I was paralyzed. I had been contemplating the effects of all this on my small business. I have been thinking of ways to stay afloat. Should I offer online classes or a virtual class? But Im not a teacher. I don’t have anything that can be boxed and packaged and mailed to clients. It’s not that easy when you are a portrait photographer. My career rely’s on photographing groups of people at weddings, office parties, families and new born babies. I need to connect to people and look them in the eye or touch their hands so I can place it in the right location. Keeping social distancing would not work well at all.

I was reminded of my younger days when street photography was a big part of my life. Human interaction as a street photographer was limited for me. I was just a voyeur and I wanted to keep my distance. I think I should go out and do that again, but its not worth the risk.

So where do I go from here? Well, there a two parts of my photography that I have kept mostly to myself. My first is a passion for photographing architecture, landscapes and nature. And another passion is for manipulating photographs in photoshop. And those do not require anything but me, my camera and my computer.

Therefore until the world goes back to some semblance of normalcy and I can once again engage physically with my clients I will use this time to catalogue and categorize my on my own photography and even display some of my previous work to you all on a regular basis.

I hope you enjoy them and that my photos make you smile as you travel vicariously through them.

Stay safe my friends.

Tina Falkenbury

Barns in Rappahannock, Virginia

Love is in The Air

pexels-photo-255441.jpegWith the approach of Valentine’s Day we turn our attention to LOVE.


We all experience and give love in many different ways. The love I am referring to is the result of Cupid and his arrow. We have come to associate Cupid as this Cherub who can shoot his arrow and make two people fall in love. 


I have had the privilege of photographing several couples over the past few months who are celebration their love.

This adorable couple is celebrating the young man’s start of a wonderful career as a Marine.




This beautiful couple is celebrating their engagement in our nations capital.



This young couple is just celebrating being together. Even in the studio they were able to show their love.DPL_8390.jpg



This young couple is celebrating their 70th Wedding anniversary !!




These love birds have been married for a couple of years and just wanted to capture their love at that moment




 If this triggers the romantic in you then grab your significant other and give me a call !!


You too can celebrate your love with a photo session.

New Born Photographer, Fairfax Virgina

dsc_3243-editNew born babies….What precious bundles of joy. As a photographer it is a huge pleasure working with these tiny newborns.

Just knowing that we will never have the chance to replicate these first few days/weeks as they adjust to the world makes my job even more rewarding. I create memories that last a lifetime of this beautiful sleepy stage and the innocence that exudes them.

The way we have to protect these new borns as they slowly discover the vast space around them is so important. And yet we can dress them up and manipulate them to highlight their adorableness.

As a mother of 2 (who have grown into lovely teenagers) I appreciate every moment with these little ones as I know how fast time flies.

These are some examples of an adorable baby boy for you to enjoy…. I will be posting more. I promise.



Portraits of High School Seniors are not what they used to be

DLP_7058High school seniors do not have to settle for the boring school portraits anymore.

Every year the popularity of these custom tailored photo shoots is increasing. Parents want to have photos of their senior framed and hung on a wall to be admired. The seniors have become much more comfortable with being photographed as many of them spend hours snap chatting one another and uploading images to social media.

Many photographers are catering to the growing demand of custom portraits , however the relationship with your photographer has to be comfortable and easy going. Spend time asking questions and chatting before the photo shoot.  Let the photographer know your expectations and your comfort zone. Talk about props and change of outfits.

Remember, this is about you and it should be fun.